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Phalcon url


All classes are prefixed with Phalcon


Source on GitHub

  • Namespace

    • Phalcon\Mvc
  • Uses

    • Phalcon\Di\AbstractInjectionAware
    • Phalcon\Di\DiInterface
    • Phalcon\Mvc\RouterInterface
    • Phalcon\Mvc\Router\RouteInterface
    • Phalcon\Mvc\Url\Exception
    • Phalcon\Mvc\Url\UrlInterface
  • Extends


  • Implements

    • UrlInterface

This components helps in the generation of: URIs, URLs and Paths

// Generate a URL appending the URI to the base URI
echo $url->get("products/edit/1");

// Generate a URL for a predefined route
echo $url->get(
        "for"   => "blog-post",
        "title" => "some-cool-stuff",
        "year"  => "2012",


 * @var null | string
protected $baseUri;

 * @var null | string
protected $basePath;

 * @var RouterInterface | null
protected $router;

 * @var null | string
protected $staticBaseUri;


public function __construct( RouterInterface $router = null );

public function get( mixed $uri = null, mixed $args = null, bool $local = null, mixed $baseUri = null ): string;
Generates a URL

// Generate a URL appending the URI to the base URI
echo $url->get("products/edit/1");

// Generate a URL for a predefined route
echo $url->get(
        "for"   => "blog-post",
        "title" => "some-cool-stuff",
        "year"  => "2015",

// Generate a URL with GET arguments (/show/products?id=1&name=Carrots)
echo $url->get(
        "id"   => 1,
        "name" => "Carrots",

// Generate an absolute URL by setting the third parameter as false.
echo $url->get(

public function getBasePath(): string;
Returns the base path

public function getBaseUri(): string;
Returns the prefix for all the generated urls. By default /

public function getStatic( mixed $uri = null ): string;
Generates a URL for a static resource

// Generate a URL for a static resource
echo $url->getStatic("img/logo.png");

// Generate a URL for a static predefined route
echo $url->getStatic(
        "for" => "logo-cdn",

public function getStaticBaseUri(): string;
Returns the prefix for all the generated static urls. By default /

public function path( string $path = null ): string;
Generates a local path

public function setBasePath( string $basePath ): UrlInterface;
Sets a base path for all the generated paths


public function setBaseUri( string $baseUri ): UrlInterface;
Sets a prefix for all the URIs to be generated



public function setStaticBaseUri( string $staticBaseUri ): UrlInterface;
Sets a prefix for all static URLs generated



Source on GitHub

  • Namespace

    • Phalcon\Mvc\Url
  • Uses

  • Extends


  • Implements


Exceptions thrown in Phalcon\Url will use this class

Mvc\Url\UrlInterface Interface

Source on GitHub

  • Namespace

    • Phalcon\Mvc\Url
  • Uses

  • Extends

  • Implements

Interface for Phalcon\Mvc\Url\UrlInterface


public function get( mixed $uri = null, mixed $args = null, bool $local = null ): string;
Generates a URL

public function getBasePath(): string;
Returns a base path

public function getBaseUri(): string;
Returns the prefix for all the generated urls. By default /

public function path( string $path = null ): string;
Generates a local path

public function setBasePath( string $basePath ): UrlInterface;
Sets a base paths for all the generated paths

public function setBaseUri( string $baseUri ): UrlInterface;
Sets a prefix to all the urls generated